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A financial killer (10th Feb 23 at 2:33am UTC)
On Wall Street, no matter how satisfied he is that he is doing well, Soros is not happy in any sense. Caught up in day-to-day investment decisions, it made him extremely depressed. I am totally committed to this work, but it is really a very painful experience. On the one hand, whenever I make a wrong decision in the market, I have to endure great mental torture. On the other hand, I really don't want to make money as a necessary means to succeed. In order to find out the rules that govern my financial decisions, I deny that I have succeeded. The reason why the investment problem is so painful, Soros once explained, is that it brings losses. And, as he points out, it is impossible to make money without taking the risk of losing it. The "personality transition" he experienced in the early 1980s was the result of his belief that making so much money was not the whole of life. As thinkers often fear, Soros worries that the accumulation of wealth may have a bad effect on him and make people decadent, and that people pay attention to him just because he has so much money. I have to accept the power and influence of my success.. My biggest danger is that because I have huge assets, I also become a person of power and influence in the process. The transition period of personality is almost a remedy. Section 2 Enjoy Life He enjoys a good life. He had four fine homes: one in Manhattan, one in Southampton on Long Island,garden jacuzzi tub, one in Birdford, New York, and one in London. However, compared with other rich and powerful people, he is very thrifty, neither smoking nor drinking,endless pool swim spa, and seems not interested in eating and drinking too much. Edgar Ester is his partner in London, and he often sees Soros outside the office. Soros's hobbies are not pretentious and elegant. He says he likes drama and music, but he doesn't like collecting. He has several pieces of Hungarian art. He loves clothes and dresses very well every time he goes out. "I used to like collecting, but it really wasn't of great practical value," he told a reporter in 1993. "I like comfort, but, really, I'm a thoughtful person.". When visiting charities abroad, particularly in the 1980s and early 1980s, Soros eschewed chauffeurs or bodyguards. When visiting the university campus, sometimes he stays in the student dormitory, sometimes he takes a taxi, indoor endless pool ,whirlpool bathtub manufacturers, sometimes he walks through several streets in a city, and sometimes he takes public transportation. Soros refused to live the life of a billionaire, leaving some interesting stories for many friends. Tepa Wim is a Hungarian intellectual who runs Soros's charity in Budapest. Once, they were sitting in the building of the Hungarian Academy of Social Sciences. How can I get to the university? Between Soros. You can take a taxi. Wim told him. Why not take the tramcar? Soros asked seriously. Soros is not stingy, explains Shim. He is pragmatic. At that time, taking a tramcar was the fastest way to get from one place to another, so why not take it? Soros's house in Southampton is a lime-washed, Spanish-tiled villa with a swimming pool and tennis court. Soros held a birthday ball here in 1900 to celebrate his birthday. One of the guests said that the five guests invited by Peter were all important business tycoons and "Hungarian millionaires". Soros tries to give the impression of frugality, but this is sometimes a bit misleading. Between Southampton and his four residences in Manhattan, there are seaplanes, but no speedboats or Rolls-Royce cars. When Soros travels, he usually takes commercial flights (business class). Less use of private jets. At one point, Soros was eager to buy a plane so that it would be easier to come and go from New York to Europe. He asked Bai Rong Wen what he thought about it. "That's not a good idea," Vin told him. "If you had an airplane, you would know that you could only use the airplane if the pilot wanted to." Wen suggested that he rent a plane whenever he needed it, and Soros took his advice.
Some people believe that Soros is very shy, but he likes people to accompany him. "He likes to live in a comfortable place," Wen said. George doesn't show you around his house and say, "Look, this bell, or this statue, or this painting.". He enjoys material comforts and likes a quiet and comfortable life. He likes to bring people to his home, provide them with delicious food, and provide them with help and convenience. He often gives dances. Sometimes he would call Sue at the last minute to invite some friends to dinner. "How many?" Sum will be with you in a moment. Oh, maybe 50 or 75, "Soros would respond.". Then, Su Zha personally prepared dinner for 70 dissident Russians and their partners. Every year on Chinese New Year's Eve night, he holds a party in his apartment in New York. Every Saturday night in the summer, Soros meets in Bothampton. For him, these parties are as important as business meetings and social activities. Wen has attended some of these parties, and he observes that Soros is very popular. He greets everyone and remembers their names. Some of the people who attended the party came from the art world, some were partners in the game, and some were government officials. There were so many people there that he was overwhelmed. Through these activities, he can often get something. More importantly, though, people can reach out to each other. Because of his social nature, Soros does not like to settle down in one place. He wants to be on the move, to see the rest of the world, to keep his mind sharp,jacuzzi suppliers, to interact with people who are doing important things. In short, he wants to go and is actually eagerly seeking opportunities and adventures in life. No wonder he hated businessmen and housework. The third section is pretentious He believed that he was a special person, a person who had a special purpose for life. We will remember that this is the man who thought he was God when he was a child. monalisa.com
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